Loner Life In Another World Ep – 3 Anime Summary In English

When the class rep gets Haruka’s attention, he panics because he doesn’t know what to say to her. Come to think of it, he doesn’t even know her name. They’ve been in the same class since elementary school, and the class rep has always been nice to him, so she can’t believe he never even bothered to learn her name.

A few moments later, the rest of the girls from the class show up since, aside from the popular girls, everyone was following the class rep’s orders. Speaking of the popular girls, the class rep notices them standing behind Haruka, but they look like they’re currently sharing a single brain cell. Naturally, she assumes Haruka must have done something to them. He’d like to claim innocence, but the fact is, even if he didn’t mean to, his skill turned the girls into his servants, and now he has no clue how to fix it.

Haruka tries his best to explain the situation without making himself sound like the villain, but none of the girls believe him. Eventually, he gives up on proving his innocence and turns to walk away. Unfortunately, the class rep stops him and insists he stay while she checks on Shimazaki to make sure she’s all right. Luckily, a little shaking was all it took to undo the subjugation, so Shimazaki reassures the class rep that she’s fine. The class rep is relieved, and Haruka assumes that means he can leave now—but she still wants to figure out how the whole subjugation thing even happened in the first place. So, she refuses to let him go just yet.

While the girls are talking, Haruka is left alone by a tree. Since he has nothing to do, he decides to practice his magic and work on expanding his house when he gets home. He tries to figure out how to create a basement, but he messes up and accidentally buries himself in the ground—neck deep. He’s stuck like that until the class rep finds him, shocked to see him buried in the dirt when she only asked him to wait a few minutes. But, as she figures, boredom can make a guy do crazy things.

She rushes over and pulls him out of the dirt. Once he’s free, she apologizes for not trusting him earlier, since Shimazaki told her he was only trying to help. Haruka doesn’t remember ever agreeing to help anyone, but the class rep and the other girls are already thanking him, so he just rolls with it.

Now that everything is settled, Haruka wants to head back home. However, the girls get mad because he’s planning to leave them stranded in the wilderness without any help. The class rep suddenly realizes Haruka mentioned having a house, so she asks him about it. He explains that he had some spare time on his hands… so he just kinda built one. The class rep can’t believe he managed to build an entire house by himself while they’ve been struggling to maintain a simple camp. The other girls are equally impressed, so they huddle together and start discussing amongst themselves.

The class rep asks how many people Haruka’s house can accommodate. Based on how he designed it, about 240 people could fit—but he’d have to move some furniture around and temporarily empty the indoor pool. The class rep is beyond jealous of how well Haruka is doing for himself, and as much as she hates to ask, she wonders if she and the other girls can stay over for the night, since they’re all technically homeless at the moment.

Haruka freaks out. It’s one thing to invite a few guys over—but an entire class worth of girls? Yeah, that’s a problem. He struggles to keep himself in check, but once he calms down, he agrees to lead them all to his house.

Since he’s spent so much time roaming these woods, Haruka is far better at navigating than the others. One of his skills even gives him helpful pointers to stay on the right path. Eventually, he makes it back to his house with the girls, where they take a moment to catch their breath.

The girls are stunned by the magnificence of Haruka’s house. It’s been so long since they’ve had a roof over their heads or experienced the wonders of indoor plumbing. So, the moment Haruka mentions there’s a bath over in that direction, they frantically rush towards it—stripping down right in front of him. There’s no way he can handle spending an entire night under the same roof with all of them, so he quickly sets up a tent outside to be alone and prepares to go to sleep.

Just then, the class rep walks into his tent—there’s something she wants to talk about. First, she thanks him for all his help, admitting she wouldn’t have known what to do without him. After the nerds left, the “Gimmick Bros” (as she calls them) decided to leave as well, leaving the girls completely on their own. It was tough, but now that they’ve had a bath and a good meal, their spirits are high once again.

Still, even though things eventually worked out, the class rep feels she failed as their representative because she couldn’t handle the class’s situation by herself. Haruka thinks she’s being too hard on herself—after all, she was the one who kept the girls together and protected them. The class rep acknowledges that, but she believes they just got lucky since they didn’t run into any monsters. If they had, she wouldn’t have been able to protect anyone, unlike the nerds.

Haruka doesn’t think that’s fair. The nerds practically spent their whole lives preparing for situations like this, so it makes sense that they could handle themselves well. Meanwhile, she was thrown into an isekai with zero preparation, and considering that, she’s actually done a great job. Hearing that makes the class rep feel a lot better, though she still can’t help but feel her efforts pale in comparison to Haruka, who somehow built a fully functioning household in just a week. She wishes him a good night and heads back inside. But with everything that happened today, Haruka knows he’s not getting any sleep tonight.

Early the next morning, Haruka wakes up to find one of the girls sitting outside his tent, telling him breakfast is ready. It takes him a moment to process what’s going on, but when he does, he groggily says he wants to sleep a little longer. The girl, however, refuses to accept that answer and straight-up crawls on top of him to force him out of bed. Defeated, Haruka gives in and asks what’s for breakfast.

He was expecting the usual “mushroom soup with a side of extra mushrooms,” but to his surprise, breakfast is actually fish today. He gets so excited that he accidentally headbutts the girl. She’s slightly hurt, but Haruka couldn’t care less—because finally, he gets to eat something that isn’t mushrooms. He absolutely loves it.

The class rep doesn’t understand why he’s so hyped about eating fish, considering he’s been living next to a river this entire time. While that may be true, Haruka sucks at fishing, so he’s never actually caught any before. But since the girls seem to be eating fish regularly, they must have a reliable way of catching them. Curious, he asks to see how they do it.

The class rep agrees and takes Haruka to the river, along with one of the girls who has a lightning magic skill. He asks her how she catches fish, and she just casually explains that she electrocutes the water until the fish stop being alive. Haruka is amazed and begs her to do it one more time. The girl doesn’t really want to, but since Haruka has been helping them, she agrees.

She spawns another lightning ball, but before she can throw it into the river, Haruka takes it and seals it using his Packing skill. He then tosses it into the water, catching some fish himself. But on top of that, he also acquires lightning magic, meaning he won’t be needing the lightning girl’s help anymore. The class rep is shocked and asks what he just did. Haruka explains that by using his Packing skill on a particular element, he can gain that type of magic. It’s probably an effect caused by a combination of his many skills. While it’s definitely useful, he still doesn’t think it’s that impressive—after all, he still considers most of his skills to be useless.

As the other girls play in the river, Haruka sits with the class rep and asks what they plan to do next. She says the details aren’t set in stone yet, but they’re planning to head to the nearest village to try and catch up with the nerds. However, if they plan to make it out of this forest on their own, they’ll need to level up first. Hearing this, Haruka offers to help them train before they leave.

A short while later, all the girls gather in the forest for Haruka’s training camp. Before they begin, he asks about their current levels. The girls tell him they’re all above level 16—which makes Haruka instantly depressed. After all this time surviving in the forest, he’s still only level 7. At this point, he’s starting to wonder if they even need his help at all.

To find out, he sets up a small test. He has them fight a group of Kobolds, thinking it should be easy since the monsters are only level 6. However, just a few moments later, all the girls are on the ground, defeated, having gotten their asses thoroughly handed to them.

The girls had no idea that the Kobolds would actually fight back, so after their defeat, they retreat to regroup and come up with a new strategy. For some reason, the strategy meeting takes place inside Haruka’s magic tent. Since his tent can expand, they all fit inside—but Haruka still has no clue why they chose to gather there.

After a bit of deliberation, the girls head back out, confident they won’t lose this time. Haruka is glad they’re motivated, but honestly, he doesn’t think their chances are much better than before.

Once they leave, the girl from this morning approaches Haruka, saying she wants to apologize for her behavior earlier. She admits that she was intentionally getting close to him—just to see if he would take advantage of the situation if given the chance. At first, she didn’t trust him, but after everything he’s done—giving them food, shelter, and even helping them learn to fight—she now feels like she can trust him. She tells him she’ll be back tomorrow to wake him up with breakfast.

Haruka is happy she trusts him, but he still doesn’t know her name—so he just decides to call her Fish Girl.

Haruka is delighted to receive breakfast from Fish Girl, but his excitement fades when he overhears the other girls discussing their revenge match against the Kobolds. Before they can leave, however, the class rep calls them back, reminding them that if they rush in now, they’re definitely going to lose again. She suggests that they train first by fighting goblins instead.

However, once the girls actually engage the goblins, it doesn’t go well. Despite the loss, some of them still believe they’re ready to fight the Kobolds again—though a bunch of them suddenly start pretending to be sick to avoid more combat.

Haruka doesn’t think this will end well, so he stays on standby, ready to intervene if necessary. But to his surprise, the girls actually learn from their mistakes against the goblins. This time, they work together, using teamwork and strategy to finally defeat the Kobolds.

The class rep congratulates everyone on their victory, and Haruka is relieved—because this means the girls can finally handle themselves and won’t need to stay with him anymore. He believes he can finally get back to his peaceful life as a loner.

But just as he starts feeling hopeful, Class Rep walks over and thanks him for agreeing to come with them to the nearest village.

Haruka knows for a fact that he never agreed to that, but the class rep is extremely insistent. In the end, he gives in and agrees to go with her.

A little while later, everyone packs their things, ready to leave the forest. But before heading out, Haruka reminds them that they have no idea what they might run into, so they should all keep their guard up.

One of the boys from their class is running for his life. He makes the mistake of looking back—only to trip over a rock. Now completely cornered by his pursuer, he has nowhere left to run.

A moment later, he is strangled to death on the spot.

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