Haruka has an unusual dream about a mysterious girl, one who has long awaited her moment in the depths of darkness. Waking up sore and exhausted in his inn room, he reflects on his fierce battle with Tanaka.
Outside his room, he encounters the nerds, who are preparing to pursue a rare item in the dungeon that can alter others’ perceptions. Annoyed, Haruka sarcastically remarks that it’s perfect for someone as shady as Oda, prompting Oda to snap back, saying he doesn’t need commentary from a loner. The nerds then head off on another mission, leaving Haruka thinking about his recent encounters and victory over Tanaka. Deciding it’s time to return to his peaceful cave life, he prepares to leave the city.
However, just as he’s about to sneak away, he senses the class rep’s presence. Her eyes flash with anger, ready to reprimand him for his reckless choice. Rather than giving another long scolding, she pointedly reminds him that he still hasn’t explained his actions. She asks why he risked his life alone, and before he can answer, she pleads with him not to do it again. Feeling humbled, Haruka kneels and apologizes, and the class rep gracefully accepts. Relieved, he realizes that this was far more terrifying than fighting Tanaka, but he’d rather face this than her wrath again.
Wanting to avoid further lectures, Haruka recalls the nerds mentioning a relic that can change how people perceive him. Believing that this could stop people from nagging him, he sets off for the dungeon in search of the item.
Meanwhile, in Lord Omi’s mansion, Marielle’s father works tirelessly, only taking a break when his daughter insists. However, he remains worried about the frontier, as rising monster activity threatens trade and the economy. Just then, a soldier rushes in, reporting that a monstrous horde is advancing.
While Omi’s defenses prepare for battle, Haruka casually strolls toward the dungeon. He senses nearby monsters, and soon, an orc horde appears, which he treats as nothing more than a warm-up. At the Adventurer’s Guild, the Guild Master asks the class rep to handle a threat on the road, but before she can mobilize, Marielle bursts in, warning of an approaching orc horde and destroyed villages.
As adventurers rally to defend the city, Marielle rushes off to find her friends, wondering where Haruka is.
Meanwhile, Haruka charges headfirst into the orc horde, surprised to see an orc king among them. With a single strike, he takes down most of the enemies, but the level 37 orc king withstands his attack. Undeterred, Haruka unleashes a flurry of blows, finally bringing the monster down. Looking at the orc corpses scattered across the ground, he briefly wonders what could have drawn so many monsters here, but he quickly shifts his focus back to his true goal—the dungeon. Using stealth, he slips past the guards unnoticed.
Inside, he imagines the cracked floors and long corridors, the history of countless adventurers who have passed through before him. His only concern is finding his rare item. After opening several treasure chests filled with useless equipment, he regrets not asking about the item’s exact location. Finally, he decides to visit the magic item shop in the city for guidance.
As night falls, Omi’s defenses brace for the incoming orcs. The Guild Master, growing impatient, worries they may have been misled. Marielle hesitantly confirms the reports, sparking concern that the orc attack might be a false alarm.
As the smoke clears, a shadowy figure approaches, putting the soldiers on high alert.
But it’s only Haruka, yawning as he strolls down the road.
The class rep rushes over, warning him that a neighboring village was attacked, putting Omi in danger. Along with several classmates, the girls scold Haruka for disappearing without a word and causing everyone to worry. Haruka casually suggests that he might have already defeated the monsters, but this doesn’t stop their complaints.
Later, in a tavern, Marielle and the Guild Master thank Haruka for defending the town, but urge him to be more cautious. Soon after, Marielle and the class rep join in, leaving Haruka feeling even more trapped than before.
The Guild Master explains that monster activity has been increasing, hinting at an imminent invasion.
That night, as Haruka lies in bed, he grumbles about the growing number of people nagging him, longing for his quiet life.
Desperate for a solution, he sets out to find the rumored item that might change how people see him.
On the morning of the 27th, he arrives at the magic shop, startling the shop owner, who still remembers him from a past incident. To calm the man down, Haruka explains that he isn’t here to buy anything, only to ask about an item that could make people like him more.
Though unclear on the details, the shop owner guesses he’s referring to the Pheromone Ring and says it should be located below the 50th dungeon floor.
Excited, Haruka asks how many floors the dungeon has—only to learn that there are 100, and to progress, he must defeat a powerful boss on each level.
According to legend, the Dungeon Emperor resides there, though his true nature remains a mystery.
If Haruka wants to proceed safely, he has his work cut out for him.
Haruka knew he would need recovery items, so he dashed to the general store, leaving the magic shop owner disappointed that he hadn’t bought any of his more useful items.
Meanwhile, two classmates had been eavesdropping and realized Haruka was after the Pheromone Ring. Determined to stop him from causing trouble, they resolved to interfere.
As Haruka confidently continued his quest, his Perception skill alerted him to approaching figures. His classmates, looking furious, confronted him. One accused him of seeking the Pheromone Ring, but Haruka quickly denied it, claiming he was actually after Solomon’s Ring—an item that lets him talk to animals.
Nobody believed his lie.
Realizing he had no way out, Haruka took off running straight into the dungeon.
Upon arrival, the guard warned him that the dungeon was closed due to imminent danger, but a single guard wasn’t going to stop a determined mob.
Inside, Haruka worried that the class rep might find the Pheromone Ring before him, so he rushed ahead. A woman warned him that he might fall into a trap, but he brushed it off, saying his luck would keep him safe.
Then, he tripped on a hidden ledge and fell into a deep pit.
A friend tried to catch him but missed.
Thinking quickly, Haruka used Earth Magic to cushion his fall, bouncing safely to the bottom floor of the dungeon—dangerously close to where the final boss might appear.
He tried using Air Walk to climb back up, but with endless floors above him, escape seemed impossible.
Realizing his Spatial Awareness and Trap Detection skills had leveled up, he activated both and found the corridor clear of traps.
Then he noticed something strange.
His skill read his location as ‘Floor 101’—meaning he had somehow fallen beneath the final floor.
This likely meant he was near a hidden boss.
Meanwhile, his classmates set out to find him.
Haruka pushed forward through the dense magical smoke ahead. As he walked, torches with eerie blue flames lit up, guiding his path toward a massive door.
There was no doubt about what lay beyond.
As he opened it, a powerful magical barrier slammed him back, nearly knocking him off his feet.
Then, he caught a glimpse of his opponent.
Dungeon Emperor—Level 100.
At the same time, his classmates discussed his whereabouts around a bonfire on Floor 47.
Each time they defeated a floor boss, a teleportation portal activated, allowing them to return to the dungeon’s entrance. Shimazaki believed that Haruka had already left, but Oda suspected otherwise—if the Dungeon Emperor truly existed, Haruka might have fallen straight into its domain.
If true, rescuing him would be near impossible.
Meanwhile, Haruka used his skills to analyze his opponent, but the Dungeon Emperor’s stats remained a mystery.
Its racial classes—Dullahan, Lich, and Undead King—were among the strongest possible.
Even Tanaka wouldn’t have stood a chance.
Haruka knew that lich-type enemies were magic specialists, meaning his best option was close combat.
He struck first with his staff, but the Dungeon Emperor blocked at inhuman speed.
Haruka attacked again, but his blow was deflected once more.
He had no choice but to fight this monster head-on.
At that same moment, a storm raged over Omi, lightning cracking through the sky.
From a mansion balcony, Marielle stared uneasily at the swirling dark clouds above the ominous dungeon.
For the first time, she felt like they were on the brink of something far worse than an orc invasion.
Her father agreed, instructing her to send an urgent message to the Adventurer’s Guild—they needed to prepare for an emergency.
Meanwhile, inside the dungeon, Haruka continued his desperate battle.
Realizing he needed speed, he began circling the Dungeon Emperor, searching for an opening. But no matter how fast he moved, the monster blocked every strike effortlessly.
Frustrated, Haruka pushed his agility to its limits, but it still wasn’t enough.
The skeleton king countered, grazing him with a single blow that tore his tunic—and nearly ended his life.
His tension skyrocketed.
Then, something strange happened.
Haruka’s contact lenses triggered a new ability—momentary flashes of foresight.
This gave him a brief chance to predict attacks, but he knew that one mistake meant certain death.
With renewed focus, he resumed the fight.
Despite the life-threatening clash, Haruka found himself strangely amused.
He didn’t understand why—this was one of the most dangerous fights of his life.
Funny or not, he was almost completely drained, and his magic reserves were nearly empty.
Meanwhile, the Dungeon Emperor remained untouched.
If Haruka attacked now, he would surely lose.
Then, something even stranger happened.
The Dungeon Emperor took a few steps toward him—but stopped without attacking.
Haruka, confused, analyzed the situation.
This enemy was different.
It wasn’t trying to kill him.
Haruka knew that if the Dungeon Emperor wanted to kill him, it would have done so already. Refusing to back down, he resumed his attack—an act of defiance.
However, when the skeleton raised its sword to his neck, he hesitated, doubts creeping into his mind. There had to be a reason why the monster was sparing him.
As the Dungeon Emperor lifted its weapon, Haruka noticed something—miasma swirling around its body, as if controlling it like a malevolent force.
Then, his staff began to glow, as if awakening a hidden power, and started absorbing the dark energy.
Trusting this unexpected turn, Haruka allowed the energy to flow, keeping his staff close to the dark substance in an attempt to drain it completely. He struck again, determined to free the skeleton from its control.
His instincts proved right—the miasma was controlling the Dungeon Boss.
As the nightmare ended, he speculated that the skeleton had long sought death—not out of malice, but as a way to escape its servitude. It had spared him, likely hoping that Haruka would strike a fatal blow.
To test his theory, Haruka placed his sword on the ground as a gesture of surrender.
However, as the black miasma reappeared, he understood—only death would free the creature.
He raised his staff for the final strike—but something stopped him.
Choosing mercy over violence, he dropped his weapon and embraced the skeleton.
To his shock, his Subdue ability activated.
Apologizing, Haruka had no idea how to cancel the skill but sensed that the skeleton was finally free.
Summoning his courage, he offered his hand in friendship.
At first, the skeleton didn’t respond, making Haruka panic, fearing it was angry.
Then, it shook its head, reassuring him that it wasn’t an issue.
Finally, it accepted his handshake.
Haruka immediately used his Evaluation skill—and noticed something strange.
The skeleton’s level had reset, likely due to Subdue’s effect.
Even more shocking—the name changed to Angelica.
Haruka froze as he realized something even more absurd—it had been a girl all along.
He nearly lost his mind—yet another female companion had joined him in this ridiculous isekai adventure.
A passing citizen advised them to leave quickly, and with Angelica’s consent, Haruka activated his Spatial Awareness skill, spotting a staircase that could lead them back to the surface.
But before they could proceed, trouble arrived.
A floor boss appeared—Living Armor, Level 100.
Haruka clutched his head in despair, knowing he stood no chance against such an opponent.
Desperate for escape, he hatched a plan.
Raising his staff, he used Earth Magic to collapse part of the ceiling, then prepared to ascend with Air Walk.
However, through the opening, two Level 99 Minotaurs fell straight into the battle.
The Minotaurs landed directly on the Living Armor, crushing it to pieces.
Then, the Minotaurs died from fall damage.
Turning into literal dead meat.
Haruka stared in disbelief, his ridiculous luck once again saving him in the most absurd way possible.
Just when he thought things couldn’t get stranger, Angelica took an unexpected interest in the shattered armor.
Curiously, she put it on—only to struggle with its weight.
Instead of removing it, she used magic to adjust the armor to fit her true form.
Haruka, confused, examined the armor and identified it as Cursed Silver—a material that bonds with the wearer’s flesh and bones.
Angelica mistook his observation for a joke about her appearance, got angry, stormed ahead, and pouted.
Haruka, amused, considered calling her the “Armor Representative.”
Together, they continued searching for the missing party members, wondering if they had already ascended.
Reaching the 50th floor, they encountered a massive four-armed Cyclops.
Meanwhile, in Omi, Marielle arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild and informed the Guild Master about her uneasy feeling.
The guards reported nothing unusual, but some suspected that patrols might not be trustworthy.
Concerned, they decided to alert everyone, and the Guild Master worried about the missing adventurers—no one had seen them.
Marielle could only hope her intuition was wrong.
Back in the dungeon, Haruka noticed Angelica looking frustrated, so he gave her a Storage Lid to lift her spirits.
The moment didn’t last long.
Haruka suddenly sensed a Level 998 Lich approaching—an enemy immune to physical attacks and weak only to Holy Magic.
Weighing his options, Haruka considered escaping through a hole above, but hesitated, unsure what else might be lurking above.
The Lich wasted no time and attacked immediately.
Haruka barely dodged the deadly spell, shaking his head in frustration.
Then, he remembered something crucial.
He had the ultimate weapon against dark magic monsters.
Raising his staff, he channeled Holy Magic, unleashing a devastating attack on the Lich.
For the first time, he felt proud of his once-dismissed staff—it had become his greatest ally.
Moving forward, Haruka and Angelica encountered Level 97 Giant Moths, knowing their poisonous dust demanded caution.
Instead of attacking directly, Haruka conjured a flame and let it hover nearby.
Drawn to the light, the moths gathered, and Haruka intensified the magic, burning them all at once.
On the 96th floor, they encountered Venom Crawlers—giant caterpillars destined to become moths.
These creatures spun dangerous magical silk, so Haruka trapped them by conjuring a thin floor beneath them, then rolled it over like a steamroller.
Now reaching the 95th floor, Haruka braced himself for what lay ahead.
Haruka senses a powerful presence through the swirling purple smoke. Ahead, swords lie ominously scattered, a silent warning of the battle to come.
Without warning, a surprise attack nearly takes him and Angelica off guard.
Their foe reveals itself—a Level 100 boss known as the Ling Sword.
Fast, skilled, and cunning, it manipulates the surrounding blades, using them to its advantage.
There’s no avoiding this battle, and Haruka readies himself for the challenge.
Frustrated by the boss’s underhanded tactics, Haruka wonders how to turn the fight around. Then, he glances beside him—realizing the answer has been there all along.
Without hesitation, he asks for her help.
With a single devastating strike, Angelica ends the fight instantly, leaving Haruka completely astonished by his newfound ally’s strength.
Meanwhile, back on the 50th floor, the class struggles against the Cyclops. Exhausted, their journey seems near its end.
With hope nearly gone, Kazazaki recalls Haruka’s encouragement, remembering his words about them being the best athletes.
Oda, too, believes Haruka wouldn’t give up, inspiring the group to push forward.
As the Cyclops attacks, they create an opening for Kakizaki, who uses his explosive speed to go for the monster’s head.
Although struck down mid-leap, his role as a decoy allows Oda to cast a spell, piercing the Cyclops’s face—ending the battle.
Meanwhile, Haruka reaches the 85th floor and immediately senses a massive swarm of monsters ahead.
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