The story begins on a rainy night in the ominously named Forest of Death. A bloodcurdling scream pierces through the trees as a man clutches at the bloody, empty sockets where his eyes once were. Nearby, another man, hooded and sinister, cackles at the sight of the blood, remarking that the Empire must be in dire straits if even someone like Glenn—his so-called buddy—could defeat one of its finest heroes. Glenn, however, doesn’t take kindly to the backhanded compliment, but it’s the man missing his eyes who is truly enraged.
He confronts the hooded figures, demanding to know why—why would they betray their comrades like this? One of the hooded figures glances at the fallen bodies nearby and mockingly praises the hero and his allies for successfully completing the grueling sealing mission with just four people. Yet, now that the hard work is done, their usefulness has come to an end. Like the others, the blind hero must die, so the traitors can claim the credit for themselves.
To stop a forest known as Wishtech from consuming the Land of Shadows, the Empire had armed 14 heroes with holy weapons and sent them on a mission. In their quest, three heroes perished, four betrayed the Empire and were slain, and the age of glory was ushered in by the seven surviving heroes. The seven hooded figures standing that fateful night were those very survivors.
Before his former allies, with one final anguished cry, the betrayed hero is cut down. The rest is history.
Years later, the story shifts to Realde, a bustling port city situated on a river at the border. A massive airship looms overhead while wagons stream into the city’s main gate. One such wagon carries a girl, hiding within, torn between nervousness and excitement. She is close to crossing the border and reaching the fabled Land of the Seven Heroes—a place of peace and prosperity, despite its tongue-twisting names.
Within the city, a warrior monk named Raj delivers a solemn speech. Though it grieves him deeply, he must oversee today’s grim proceedings: the execution of stowaways. As the prisoners are strung up and cruelly executed, Raj reminds the gathered onlookers that the only lawful way to cross the border is by obtaining a travel pass from his monastery. Those who attempt to sneak into the Land of the Heroes, he warns, will face the same fate as the bodies hanging above them.
Among the crowd, a mysterious one-eyed man observes the scene with evident disgust. The atmosphere is broken by the sound of shouting—a girl’s voice from a nearby wagon. She has been discovered by one of the monks, accused of being a stowaway. Raj, visibly irritated, reprimands his subordinates for not having finished cleaning up the last round of executions.
The girl pleads desperately, but her cries fall on deaf ears. The monks are ready to deal with her swiftly and move on with their day. Just as it seems her dream of reaching the promised land is about to end, a stranger steps forward. Calling her “Peppe” and chastising her for causing trouble, he intervenes, altering the course of her fate.
While waiting for her to show up, the stranger suddenly takes matters into his own hands. He snatches the girl from the monk and begins dragging her off, resembling an exasperated parent about to scold their misbehaving child. The monks, alarmed, demand that he stop. The stranger turns back, declaring with feigned confidence that he’s her brother.
The monks, naturally suspicious, don’t buy it. Raj, unimpressed, remarks that it seems they’ll need to add to today’s executions. At this, the girl—nicknamed “Peepe” by the stranger—starts panicking, realizing their ruse has failed. The stranger, seeing no way out, reaches for his sword, ready for a fight.
Before the situation spirals further, a pair of strong hands grabs both the stranger and Peepe, lifting them off their feet. It’s the one-eyed man from earlier. He tries to talk his way out of it too but has a more practical solution. Slipping a small bribe into Raj’s hand, he makes it clear he’s willing to pay for their freedom.
The gleam of gold is all it takes to change Raj’s demeanor. Suddenly, he declares he sees “great potential” in these two young souls. Despite one of the monks voicing a protest, Raj quickly silences him, greedily pocketing the bribe. The trio is allowed to leave without further incident.
Once they reach the canal, Peepe thanks the one-eyed man, whom she now calls “Eyepatch,” for saving her. However, her gratitude is short-lived when the stranger thumps her on the head, annoyed at how she nearly ruined his plans. As it turns out, he was hiding in the wagon right behind hers, and her antics almost got him caught too. Peepe bites back, pointing out that without Eyepatch’s intervention, the stranger would’ve been in trouble as well.
Eyepatch, cutting through their bickering, warns them to stop fooling around. He pats the stranger on the head like a child and declares that sneaking across the border is impossible. His success, he reveals, hinges on a local smuggler he paid handsomely to ensure the job gets done. He has no intention of letting the two of them jeopardize his plans.
Referring to the stranger as a “little hero,” Eyepatch hits a nerve. The stranger, bristling at the nickname, snaps back that being compared to the Seven Great Heroes makes him sick. Eyepatch shrugs off the tantrum, clearly uninterested, and takes his leave.
Before he can go, the stranger stops him, curious about the smuggler Eyepatch mentioned. Peepe, too, chimes in, eager for more information. Eyepatch scoffs, asking why he should even bother helping them. Peepe lowers her head and quietly admits that she has nothing and no one to go back to.
Just then, the stranger’s ears twitch. He announces that at least thirteen armed men are closing in fast. Without hesitation, he picks up Peepe and walks her to the water’s edge. Without another word, he tosses her in.
True to his word, thirteen monks appear moments later. It turns out that the problem with flashing shiny gold is that it catches everyone’s attention. The monks, lured by the bribe Eyepatch paid earlier, are here for a piece of that fortune—and they’re not taking no for an answer.
Eyepatch explains that the corruption within the monastery is an open secret. The monks deal in bribes and all manner of unsavory business to line their coffers. The more gold one offers, the more “virtuous” they are deemed by the holy church. For the monks, this is just another day at work. However, this time, they decide it’s easier to kill the two interlopers and take their gold outright.
One of the monks charges forward, but before he can strike, the stranger effortlessly cuts him down, leaving his body crumpled in a heap. Eyepatch’s lone eye widens in shock as he witnesses the brutality. The monk is nearly sliced in half, and Eyepatch quickly realizes that the stranger is far more powerful than he appears. Luckily for Eyepatch, he’s standing behind the boy—unlike the other monks, who are at the wrong end of his blade.
The monks, stunned by the audacity of someone daring to attack them in their own city, are swiftly silenced. The stranger tears through them all with shocking ease, cutting them down before they can fight back or even flee. When the dust settles, the stranger drags the bodies to the canal and dumps them in to hide the evidence. Moments later, Peepe resurfaces farther downstream, furious and dripping wet.
Eyepatch, clearly impressed, tells the stranger that he needs his help and asks him to join forces. The stranger, now in a better mood, tells Peepe to follow along. While she was “taking a swim,” he and Eyepatch struck a deal to meet the smuggler together. With everyone now reluctant allies, Eyepatch introduces himself as Weed. The stranger strikes a confident pose and declares his name is Coin. Peepe tries to introduce herself, but Coin cuts her off, telling her to stop dawdling—it’s time to go.
Their journey takes them by boat through the forgotten ruins beneath the city. Weed explains that this place was once a fortress belonging to Wish, long ago. Now, it’s little more than a decaying refuge for vagrants and vermin. They eventually reach a shady tavern filled with dancing girls and strong liquor. Peepe looks disgusted by the place, but Coin wastes no time grabbing himself a drink.
One of the barmaids, noticing Peepe’s soaked and filthy state, asks what happened to her. Meanwhile, a scantily clad woman on the balcony above observes them with a smirk, remarking on how cute Weed’s new companions are. Weed apologizes for the sudden change in plans, but she waves it off, saying he paid her more than enough to make up for it. “Good customers are hard to find these days,” she adds.
However, Weed awkwardly admits that he needs a small discount because he had to waste a significant bribe on the monks earlier. This revelation sours her mood, but she sighs and agrees to let it slide, admitting she has a soft spot for kids. Coin, she says, reminds her of someone she once knew—someone with the same fiery determination in their eyes.
Weed tells Coin to smooth things over with her, leaving him to handle the negotiations. Meanwhile, Peepe reappears, now dressed in local garb after the tavern girls disposed of her wet and dirty clothes. Weed rejoins Coin and the smuggler just as their conversation is wrapping up.
The smuggler proposes a deal, but Coin doesn’t seem thrilled about it. Suspicious, he demands to know her angle. She tells him bluntly that if he wants to leave the city, he needs to board the ship leaving tomorrow. If he misses it, he’ll lose his chance to catch a glimpse of the Seven Great Heroes.
The smuggler explains that due to the ongoing civil unrest, the Seven Heroes will be encamped nearby for the next few days at a location called Thousand Spears. The realization that the legendary heroes are within reach instantly changes Coin’s mind.
Meanwhile, high above the filthy town he governs, Raj gazes down at the squalor with disdain. The stench of corruption among those who have failed to pay their holy taxes fills him with righteous anger. Fueled by a religious fervor that only golden bloodshed can satisfy, he vows that someone will pay the price tonight.
Back at the tavern, word reaches the smuggler that the monks are on their way, and they’re not coming quietly. Raj, already inside, takes the stage to deliver one of his sanctimonious speeches. He declares the tavern to be a den of scum and villainy and announces that he and his men will unmask the criminals lurking within. The smuggler, enraged by his audacity, demands proof of his accusations.
Raj came prepared. He produces a hobbit-like man as a witness. The frightened man wastes no time pointing an accusing finger at the smuggler, detailing her crimes. However, his reward for telling the truth is far from what he expected. Raj promptly orders the man’s execution, silencing him with a fatal blow as a “merciful” reward for his honesty.
With that gruesome act, Raj orders his monks to seize everyone in the tavern. Chaos erupts. Weed fights back valiantly, but the overwhelming odds leave him struggling as everyone around him is cut down. Amid the carnage, Raj grabs Peepe, squeezing her tightly as she struggles to break free.
Desperately looking for help, Weed shouts, “Where the hell is Coin?” At that moment, Coin makes his dramatic entrance. From the ceiling above, he cuts the ropes holding a small boat and rides it down onto the heads of the unsuspecting monks. Raj is completely thrown off by the bold and ridiculous move.
Panicking, Raj tries to name-drop his boss, Landgrave, warning that he won’t be pleased by this defiance. Coin’s response is simple: “Bring it on.” Just like before, Coin tears through the monks with ease, cutting them down one after another.
Once the battle subsides, Coin checks on Peepe. Thankfully, she’s alive, though unconscious. Turning his attention to Raj, Coin advances, but the corrupt monk decides it’s time to retreat. Raj runs as far as he can before collapsing, panting and muttering to himself. Two fellow monks find him, and he declares that the city will now be placed under martial law.
Meanwhile, our heroes escape the tavern and dive deeper into the underground ruins. Their plan remains the same: they must stow away on the ship. The smuggler can’t believe what she’s hearing, calling it crazy talk, but Coin is undeterred. He vows to reach the Seven Heroes, no matter the cost. “Don’t worry,” he tells her with a determined grin, “Tonight is the perfect night for a little crazy.”
The smuggler, seeing the fiery determination in Coin’s eyes, is reminded of someone special from her past. Sighing, she admits she might know of a secret way onto the ship but warns that it won’t be easy.
Above the city, Raj, still monologuing to himself like a self-proclaimed dark avenger, surveys the night. He’s interrupted by the arrival of a new figure—Gratz. Raj is visibly relieved to see him, believing his power will tip the scales. Gratz, however, reminds him that his help doesn’t come cheap. Raj doesn’t hesitate, declaring that no price is too high in the pursuit of justice.
Far below, our heroes race through the ruins, trying to make up for lost time. However, Coin begins to lag behind. Despite his earlier bravado, he’s struggling to keep pace and blames the suffocating air and low ceilings for slowing him down.
The smuggler explains that this area was once a secret base for the Wish Mages long ago. As if to prove her point, a small goblin-like creature leaps at her, but she cuts it down effortlessly. She explains that these monsters infest the tunnels because of the Mages’ meddling. Leading the group further, she tells them they’re almost out, but trouble awaits on the other side.
The ground begins to quake as a titanic monster lumbers into view. It’s as grotesque as it is massive, and its gaze locks onto the scantily clad smuggler with disturbing hunger. The smuggler is horrified, recognizing the beast—this is the same creature that killed her friend years ago.
There’s no time to process her fear as the monster hurls a massive chunk of debris at the group. Coin dodges it and rushes up the beast’s arm, striking its head with a powerful blow. However, the attack barely fazes the creature. In retaliation, it grabs Coin and punches him straight through the ceiling, leaving him seemingly out for the count.
As Coin disappears, the smuggler begins to panic, losing her composure. To make matters worse, Weed notices their escape ship through the hole in the ceiling. Meanwhile, Peepe finally wakes up, confused and wondering if she’s been saved. She quickly realizes the monster looming over them is a much bigger problem. When she asks where Coin is, the devastating answer—that he’s likely dead—leaves her in tears.
Now stuck with two crying girls, Weed refuses to give up. The large metal rings strapped to his arms aren’t just for show—they’re weapons. He hurls one at the monster’s head, aiming for the spot where Coin struck earlier. A crack forms, giving Weed an idea.
Turning to the smuggler, he tells her she can give up if she wants, but he’s not done fighting. Using his weapon, he trips the monster, bringing it crashing to the ground. The beast retaliates, forcing Weed to grab Peepe and swing out of harm’s way just in time. He hurls his weapon again, widening the crack in the creature’s head. Unfortunately, the monster catches on to his tactics and grabs the rope. It swings him around like a toy before slamming him into a wall. Peepe is flung across the room, and Weed is left bruised and winded, barely able to move.
The smuggler manages to catch Peepe, but it’s now just the two of them against the monster. All hope seems lost. However, Weed notices a strange light beginning to emanate from Coin.
Just as the monster lunges to devour the girls, Coin appears atop its head, blade in hand. He thanks the beast for breaking the roof and letting the sunlight in, saying it’s exactly what he needed. Now, he can fight at full strength. He leaps off the creature, delivering a perfect slash before landing gracefully.
The beast growls, mocking Coin and claiming such a small cut won’t stop it. But the words barely leave its mouth before its head erupts in a geyser of blood. The creature collapses, dead, as Coin turns to Weed, telling him to quit slacking—they’re on a tight schedule.
As Weed gets to his feet, Coin notices something lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, he draws his weapon. In an instant, there’s a bright flash of light, and where the monster’s body once lay, there’s now only a scorched crater.
From above, Raj begins laughing maniacally. He declares that all is lost for the group. They stand no chance against the power of Gratz and his magic sword.
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