Summary Of Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time | Anime | EP- 5

A few days later, Takimi builds three refrigerators from scratch because he craves ice cream. The girls notice a cool breeze coming from them, so they open the doors and sit in front of them. Takimi doesn’t know how to explain ozone layer depletion to them. Instead, he thinks about how he combined iron and other elements to create stainless steel and then used a magic cooling device to complete the invention.

He tells Maria that this box will keep food fresh for a long time. She thanks him, happy that she can always have fresh ingredients. Takimi decides to keep the blue refrigerator since Sophia likes it and takes the other two to show Paper I.

He then tells the girls that his next project will be upgrading their weapons. Sophia thinks they don’t need an upgrade yet, but Takimi insists that they should prepare for future adventures.

Later, he visits the guild to learn about high-quality materials like mithril and adamantite. The receptionist tells him these metals are rare because no blacksmith here can work with them. However, the blacksmiths in the dwarves’ country are more skilled.

Then, the receptionist remembers that Takimi is an alchemist and suggests that he could synthesize mithril himself, but it’s exhausting and inefficient. The fastest way to get it is by mining in a location to the northwest, but only members of the blacksmith guild are allowed to enter. However, there’s a loophole—if Takimi accepts a quest to defeat monsters in the mine, he can collect mithril and adamantite while hunting. Takimi likes the idea.

Suddenly, the Guild Master appears with more news. The city needs trat wood, which comes from tree monsters called trats found near the mine. Takimi is a bit nervous because the bald Guild Master is standing too close to him, but he takes the quest. The Guild Master also tells him that a blacksmith needs a bodyguard for the trip and wants Takimi to take that job too.

Takimi realizes he’s getting overloaded with work, but the Guild Master promises to promote him and his team if they complete the missions. He accepts and then asks how long the journey to the mine will take. The receptionist says it takes one week with normal horses and four days with monster horses, but unfortunately, there are none available.

Just then, the red-haired adventurer Reel, whom Takimi met earlier, arrives. Reel says his party is currently using the monster horses. He also tells the Guild Master that they hunted a buffalo on the way, so he returned to deliver it before it spoiled. He plans to rejoin his friends tomorrow.

Takimi invites Reel to stay the night at his place, and he gladly agrees. Later, Reel accompanies Takimi to visit Pek, who goes crazy upon seeing the refrigerator. When Pek learns that Takimi is heading to the mine, he offers a monster-horse-drawn carriage in exchange for some ores. Takimi accepts the deal, and Pek also requests more refrigerators.

After that, Takimi visits several blacksmiths to see if anyone has mithril, but he finds no one who can help. By the time he returns home, it’s already dark. Suddenly, Reel spots a hostile figure approaching them. Instead of fighting, he grabs Takimi and tries to run away.

The hooded attacker kicks Reel down, then reveals herself to be Sophia. She thought Reel was kidnapping her beloved master, Takimi. She prepares to strike him down, but Takimi stops her. After realizing the misunderstanding, they apologize to Reel. He says it’s fine, but now he has a lot of questions.

When they reach the house, Reel is flabbergasted to see Maple’s evolved form and jealous that Takimi lives with three cute girls while he’s still single. Later, Takimi tells his team about the quests he took from the guild, and they agree to start the mission the next day.

After Reel leaves, Takimi begins working on their new weapons. He attempts to forge a massive tungsten sword that absorbs enemy mana, but it’s incredibly difficult to use alchemy on it. He manages to turn it into a block of tungsten and forges two swords from it, but the process drains all of his mana.

Three days later, Takimi and his party set out on their journey along with the blacksmith to Gambo. When they reach the forest where the trats (tree monsters) are found, they park the carriage at a safe distance and cast a barrier spell around it before heading off to hunt.

Takimi has no idea what trats look like, but Sophia, who has experience dealing with them, can tell which trees are actually disguised monsters. When she gives the signal, Takimi attacks the first one. The trat fights back, but they easily block its attacks and take it down. Suddenly, a massive horde of trats surrounds them. Sophia suggests using magic to deal with them quickly. They unleash wind magic, and Maria buries several enemies with earth magic. Takimi joins in, using his weapons to level up his combat skills.

Just as they think the battle is over, the trat boss appears. Sophia cuts its branches with magic, while Maria and Maple provide support, but the boss regenerates its limbs quickly and keeps attacking. Sophia tells Takimi to enchant his sword with fire magic and strike its core. He immediately does so, covering his sword in flames before stabbing the monster, killing it instantly. The boss drops two rare items—Miracle Apples.

The next day, they arrive at the mining city of Horus, where the blacksmith gives them their next task: defeating iron moles that eat the ores in the mine. As they head inside, Takimi’s maxed-out luck kicks in, and he quickly finds both mithril and adamantite ore. Suddenly, the ground shakes, and Maple senses approaching monsters. The group prepares for battle, but Takimi comes up with a plan.

As soon as an iron mole emerges from the ground, Takimi uses magic to create a bright flash of light, blinding and stunning the creature. Sophia swiftly slays it. Takimi explains that since moles live in complete darkness, they can’t handle sudden brightness. The girls are disappointed that the fight ended so quickly, especially Maria, who wanted to show off her skills. Regardless, they successfully mine a large amount of ore without any disturbances and return home.

Takimi then goes to Gambo’s workshop to learn how to handle mithril and adamantite. He spends days working like he’s in the final round of Forged in Fire. Eventually, he manages to combine different materials with the ores to create mithril alloys infused with elemental attributes. He uses these to modify their armor, making it both lighter and stronger while also enhancing their attack power.

His upgrades give the girls’ armor a boost in magic attacks, while his own armor enhances his speed. Excited to test it, he attempts a demonstration but loses control, crashing into a wall and accidentally French-kissing it. Embarrassed, he tells the girls to forget what they just saw.

Moving on, he presents new weapons: a wind spear for Sophia and a fire spear for Maria. Both are thrilled. Sophia tells Takimi that her main job is to protect him and that she would even sacrifice her life for him. She requests a sturdy shield to fulfill her duty, but Takimi urges her to value her own life more.

He forges the shield for her, but by the time he finishes, he’s completely exhausted. Sophia starts worrying about him—he’s the only one capable of doing such skillful work, and it’s putting too much strain on him. She wishes he had an assistant to help with the technical work so he wouldn’t have to bear such a heavy burden alone.

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