Summary Of Even Given the Worthless “Appraiser” Class, I’m Actually the Strongest EP- 3 & 4 | Anime |

He appraises the Death Bear’s abilities and absorbs the S+ rank skill Steel Cutter, which gives his attacks great durability and piercing power. While recovering from a headache after absorbing the skill, Ursula tells him that his training is complete and he is ready to climb the dungeon alone. She then takes him back to the World Tree and says that he should be grateful, as she will give him a final gift before he leaves. The gift is the remaining Spirit Core of the World Tree. A refuses, saying it’s too valuable. Ursula explains that it’s a loan, and once he dies, the core will return to the World Tree. Using her magic, she fuses the Spirit Core with his prosthetic eye, but he doesn’t feel any difference. The old lowly explains that it will take time for him to understand the true power of the enhanced prosthetic eye.

A turns to thank Yuri, but she’s not there. He asks where she is, and Yuri replies from within his prosthetic eye before manifesting in her human form. A is confused, and Ursula explains that since his eye now holds the Spirit Core, Yuri can live inside it, and she will always be with him. Yuri excitedly tells A she will heal him from all injuries and diseases using her World Tree drops. A is grateful but asks Ursula if it’s okay to take the Spirit of the World Tree with him. Ursula dropkicks him, saying she doesn’t want to send Yuri with just anyone, but she wants Yuri to explore the world and make friends. So, she trusts her to A, even though he’s an idiot, because he’s a good person. A promises to take good care of Yuri, and Ursula marks his hand with a glowing tattoo that grants infinite storage.

Next, she creates a spirit sword from the raw materials Yuri gave her and tells A to store it. Before he can, Ursula stabs him and makes him swallow a Magic Stone to replace his injured eye. A asks what she just did, and she explains that his right eye is now replaced with the Sage Stone, linking their minds so they can communicate anytime. She’ll also be able to see everything A sees. Ursula warns that if A gets too close to her daughter, she’ll find him and kill him.

A asks Yuri if she has any special plans once they reach the surface, and she says she wants to meet her sisters. Ursula explains that the original World Tree was one giant tree, but it was separated into nine parts. Yuri is just one part, and the rest are her sisters. A promises to travel the world to meet them. Finally, he begins his journey, with Ursula guiding him on which routes to take and which monsters to face. A finds it much easier to defeat S-rank monsters now, and he doesn’t get a headache when absorbing their abilities because Yuri heals him instantly. He soon reaches the boss room and is told that unless he defeats the boss, he can’t move on to the next floors. A is unsure because the boss will be much stronger than anything else he’s faced.

Yuri and Ursula encourage A to have faith in himself. Motivated by their words, he enters the boss room and sees the dungeon core. Suddenly, a summoning circle appears, and a giant Stone Golem emerges. A tells Yuri to retreat into his eye and rushes towards the Golem. He avoids its first attack, but the Golem lands a powerful punch. A uses one of his acquired skills to harden his hands like steel, but the punch still rips apart his leg muscles. Yuri heals him immediately, and A uses the Dissolving Poison skill from a giant snake he killed to melt the Golem’s hand. The Golem becomes enraged and starts attacking recklessly. A barely escapes and hides behind rocks, realizing he can’t get close anymore. Ursula tells him to use the ultimate spell she taught him since he has enough mana. A follows her advice and uses the ultimate magic, Nova Strike, hitting the Golem with the force of a meteorite, melting its body. He’s amazed that he can do this now, and Yuri comes out of his eye to heal him. A thanks her and holds her hands, making Yuri blush. Ursula is not happy about this and tells him to focus on appraising the Golem’s remains.

A appraises the Golem’s body, gaining high-level offensive and defensive abilities. Ursula then tells him he can also appraise the dungeon core. A is hesitant, but Ursula teleports to him and appraises the core for him. She finds that it’s similar to the Spirit Core of the World Tree and uses it to enhance A’s prosthetic eye. She says it will help him defeat more dungeon bosses and increase the power of his Spirit Eye, making him even stronger. The three of them exit the boss room, and the dungeon doors close behind them. Ursula mentions that with the dungeon core gone, the dungeon is sealed off, meaning the path to the World Tree is closed. No one can reach it now, so she no longer needs to protect it. Ursula decides to join A and Yuri as they head to the surface.

Meanwhile, in a bar, a swordsman named Zord is drinking with some adventurers. He tells them a story about how his party was surrounded by hellhounds in a dungeon, and they almost didn’t make it out. He twists the facts, claiming A sacrificed himself to save others. Zord acts grateful to A to gain sympathy from the other adventurers, but when A appears behind him, Zord spits out his drink in surprise. Zord asks how A is still alive, and A reveals that he defeated the monsters himself. The other adventurers are angry when they learn the truth — that Zord and Jalim paralyzed A with magic and left him to die. They start throwing things at Zord, but A stops them. Despite everything, Zord was the only one who took him in, and A thanks him for that before walking away, surprising everyone with his change in attitude.

After that, A, Yuri, and Ursula continue exploring different dungeons, defeating bosses, and absorbing dungeon cores. They’re still looking for the World Tree but find nothing. After several months, they return from another dungeon trip and hear screams. They rush to the scene and find monsters attacking a carriage. A quickly defeats the monsters and absorbs their abilities while Yuri and Ursula heal the injured soldiers. A then checks on a pink-haired girl in the carriage, who falls in love with him at first sight and clings to him, calling him her hero. A is confused and embarrassed but soon learns that the girl is Claudia, the third princess of the kingdom, and the man with her is Jasper, the leader of the merchant guild. The princess invites A and his group to the palace to thank them, but soon, she gets ready to pounce on him.

Yuri steps between A and Claudia, declaring that she is A’s wife. A is shocked, but the bigger shock comes when Claudia casually says she would be happy to be his second wife. As the two girls bicker about this, Jasper, a merchant, approaches A and jokingly suggests that A should marry him instead. A freaks out, not expecting to be attractive to both men and women. Jasper explains that he has a special reason for this. He then takes A and his group to his treasury, revealing that he collects valuable gemstones, and A’s left eye is the most valuable one—a Spirit Core. A is stunned that Jasper has discovered his secret. Jasper shares the legend of the original World Tree, which used all its power to seal the Demon Lord and then vanished from the earth. He has been searching for its Spirit Core for years and now wants to keep it. A is reluctant to agree, but Ursula convinces him that Jasper has valuable information about the World Tree, and his help could lead them to other World Trees. A reluctantly agrees to become friends with Jasper, though he makes it clear that they will start as just friends. Jasper agrees and jokingly says A will eventually be a proud member of his harem.

Yuri and Ursula head to a hidden dungeon that Jasper mentioned, hoping to find Yuri’s sisters there. A enters the dungeon alone and soon reaches a dead end. Ursula tells him that there’s a teleportation spell on the wall, which he activates by touching it. A suddenly finds himself in a huge forest, and he freaks out at the sight. Ursula explains that a powerful illusion has altered the appearance of the dungeon, making it look like a forest. A suspects that only a World Tree could create an illusion of this scale. They hear a voice, and Yuri recognizes it as her mischievous sister, Pina. Pina emerges from A’s eye to talk to Yuri. She’s happy to see her sister and asks her to meet her at the end of the dungeon. A complains that Yuri came all this way to meet her and that Pina should use teleportation magic to bring them there immediately. Pina replies that she can’t use teleportation magic, so they’ll have to walk through the forest. Yuri is okay with that, but Pina jokingly tells her to let her boyfriend do the hard work, causing Yuri to blush. A tells Pina to go back into his eye because the forest is dangerous and he’ll clear it faster alone. Pina mocks his confidence, saying she’s set up hundreds of dangerous traps and monsters, and no human can get through it. A, determined, walks straight ahead with Ursula analyzing the situation through his eye. He dodges the traps using accurate information and quickly speeds through the forest, frustrating Pina. She complains that he should at least pretend to struggle since she worked hard setting up the traps. Yuri adds that Pina enjoys creating challenges, but A says this entertainment could get someone killed. Pina insists she’s not a murderer and sends people out before they get into serious danger.

Pina warns that stronger monsters will come next, but A says he won’t stop until he makes Yuri happy. Just then, an S-rank plant monster appears. The monster attacks with sleeping pollen, but A, immune to ailments, doesn’t feel drowsy. Pina is frustrated as A summons his sword and kills the plant monster with one hit. He appraises the monster and learns he can generate seeds of various plants using the unique skill of the monster. Just then, something hits A’s head, and he wonders what’s happening. He can’t spot the attacker, and Ursula explains they are using the stealth skill. Pina is shocked that A is still standing after taking a headshot. A reveals he has surprise attack nullification, meaning he doesn’t take any damage from surprise attacks. This only frustrates Pina more. Ursula then locates the monsters’ hiding spots, and A uses gravity magic to crush them to death.

As the stealth ants become visible after their death, A uses his appraisal skill to copy their stealth abilities and explosive leaping power, further frustrating Pina. She, however, regains her confidence and sends two S-rank monsters to attack him simultaneously. A simply uses his super speed to defeat both with a single strike. Pina is stunned to learn that A is just an appraiser, despite his overwhelming strength, and she gives up.

Meanwhile, Zord, the swordsman from A’s previous party, has hit rock bottom. He’s avoided by everyone in the guild, and even Jalene acts as though she was innocent, claiming Zord forced her to paralyze A. The other adventurers trust Jalene and kick Zord out of the guild, saying no one will party with him again. Zord, enraged, curses A for surviving, as his death would have spared him from this. Determined to clear his reputation, Zord sets out on a high-difficulty quest to hunt a C-rank monster in the same dungeon that leads to Pina’s domain. As he accidentally touches the teleportation spell on the wall, Zord finds himself in the forest and decides to search for strong monsters. However, he immediately steps into a trap. Just before he’s impaled on spikes, Pina teleports him back to the previous dungeon, telling him that she won’t let him die in her dungeon. She encourages him to try again, and Zord, thinking this is his chance to grow stronger, continues his journey.

Despite being injured by the traps, Zord presses on, soon encountering a giant crocodile monster. His greed for glory blinds him, and he attacks the monster, but it’s far too strong for him. The monster knocks him down with a light tap, then stomps on his arm, crushing it. Zord braces for death, but just then, A arrives, effortlessly killing the crocodile with a single strike. Zord is stunned and, seeing A’s back, assumes he must be a high-ranking adventurer with a rare job class. When he sees that it’s A, he’s lost for words. Zord asks how a “garbage picker” like A could one-shot such a powerful monster. A casually says he’s just warming up. He notices Zord’s injuries and asks Yuri for help, healing Zord with her holy water. This leaves Zord even more confused. Before he can ask anything further, A puts him to sleep with magic and tells Pina to send him out. A then resumes his speedrun, reaching the boss room.

Pina warns A that she’s waiting beyond the boss room, and A begins to worry that defeating the boss will permanently close the way to the World Tree. Ursula reassures him that this won’t happen as long as the dungeon core remains intact. A enters the boss room and finds it filled with another illusionary forest. Suddenly, the ground shakes, and a giant turtle rises from the earth. A freaks out, but Ursula urges him to stop panicking. He attacks the turtle with fireballs, but they don’t do any damage. The turtle shoots a powerful water blast at A, but A uses his super appraisal to slow down time and reflects the blast back at the turtle. However, the turtle is unaffected by its own attack.

A quickly realizes that the giant turtle is just an illusion. He moves beneath the turtle’s stomping feet intentionally, but the attack doesn’t even touch him. With this realization, A dispels the illusion, revealing a tiny, adorable turtle monster. Ursula is impressed by A’s ability to see through the illusion, something she couldn’t even do herself. A then picks up the baby turtle and appraises it, discovering that it is the child of one of the Four Mythic Beasts of Creation. Ursula freaks out upon seeing the description, as the Four Mythic Beasts are nearly as powerful as the original World Tree.

A turns to Pina and asks if he needs to defeat the adorable baby turtle to clear the trial, as he believes he’s already won. Pina, unable to resist the puppy eyes of the baby turtle, folds and tells A that he doesn’t have to defeat it. She allows A and his group to come to her location, where Yuri and Pina have an emotional reunion.

Pina wastes no time and quickly asks Yuri if she can join their group, explaining that she’s grown bored of staying in the dungeon. A has no problem with this—after all, having another girl in the group means more power for his left eye. He immediately agrees, and Pina is added to the group.

Then, the baby turtle, who had been perched on A’s shoulder, undergoes a surprising transformation. It turns into a girl, introducing herself as Kiro, Pina’s guardian and the daughter of the Divine Beast Jenu. A is taken aback by this transformation, but Ursula is even more shocked. She immediately adopts a strict, formal stance and starts talking to Kiro like she’s a strict teacher addressing a student. A is completely confused by what’s happening, but Ursula explains that he needs to ask Kiro’s permission before taking Pina out of the dungeon.

A kneels in front of Kiro and asks for permission, to which Kiro gladly agrees. She then presents A with a sage stone, expressing her desire to accompany him and see the world. Ursula processes Pina’s spirit core and enhances A’s Spirit Eye with it, leveling it up. While A is pleased with the power-up, he’s even more delighted to see Yuri smiling as she reunites with her sister. There are still six more sisters left, and A is determined to unite Yuri with all of them.

The group now grows stronger and closer, with each new addition bringing both new challenges and exciting possibilities for the future.

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