Welcome back to the Anireload. This is a new story and the name of our main character is Haruka. The story begins with school scene.
On an average school day, Haruka sits alone at his desk like the professional loner he is. He’s fully aware of his status as a social outcast, but honestly? He prefers it. The alternative would be mingling with his classmates—whom he absolutely cannot stand.
His class is divided into the usual cliques: the delinquents, the popular girls, the gym bros, and the forgettable nobodies. Haruka doesn’t fit into any of them, and he’s perfectly fine with that. More solitude means more time to read his books—until his peaceful reading session is rudely interrupted by a sudden, glowing light beneath him.
A summoning circle begins forming under the students, and for a brief moment, Haruka actually gets excited. After all, this can only mean one thing—an isekai adventure! But then, a chilling realization hits him: he’s been getting way too much screen time for a background character. And if anime rules have taught him anything, it’s that loners in isekai stories usually get screwed over in some way.
Not happening—not before GTA 6 drops!
Determined to avoid whatever fate awaits him, Haruka makes a run for the door while the portal is still loading. Unfortunately, it’s magically sealed shut. No matter how hard he pushes, kicks, or bangs his head against it in frustration, the door won’t budge. Meanwhile, his classmates begin disappearing, vanishing into the swirling light one by one.
Desperate, Haruka comes up with a genius plan—crawl into the ceiling vents and wait out the summoning. He jumps up, wriggles into the roof, and settles in, thinking he’s safe. But just as he starts feeling smug, the summoning circle follows him through the ceiling! And just like that, he’s dragged into another world anyway.
Great. So much for dodging fate.
Haruka expects to be greeted by the usual isekai welcoming committee—a fat king or a pretty princess begging for his help. But instead, he opens his eyes to find a panicked, bald old man waving his arms around like a malfunctioning inflatable tube guy. Turns out, this old man is God, and he’s the one responsible for the summoning.
Apparently, all of Haruka’s classmates have already been sent off, but his genius idea to hide in the ceiling caused a “summoning error.” Now, God has to fix his mistake before the higher-ups find out.
To make amends, he offers Haruka some abilities for his new life. Sounds great, right? Wrong. Since Haruka is late, all the good skills have already been taken. What’s left are the scraps no one wanted—like “Minecraft Villager,” “Gambling Dice,” “Contact Lenses,” and… a stick. To make matters worse, Haruka has a limited number of skills he can choose.
Furious, he unleashes his wrath on the so-called “God” for dragging him here with nothing but trash abilities. But the old man isn’t about to take lip from a high schooler—he didn’t graduate from God University just to get yelled at. So, as a form of apology (and mainly to get rid of him), he grants Haruka all the leftover skills and promptly teleports him away.
Cool, more skills than usual. Not cool? He’s been dumped in the middle of a forest with no supplies.
Just as he’s about to panic, he notices a pouch on the ground—part of his “Minecraft Villager” skill. Turns out, it lets him store an unlimited number of items in his inventory. And luckily, there’s some starter gear inside. At least he’s not completely doomed.
Now geared up, Haruka decides to check his stats. But thanks to his “Gambling Dice” skill, he has to roll for his stat points. With no other choice, he tosses the dice onto the ground… and lands on “M.”
What the hell is “M”?
Since he has no clue, he just dumps all his “M” points into his Luck stat. When he opens his status window, he’s shocked to find that his Luck is completely maxed out! Great—but also kind of a waste. He could’ve used that on something actually useful.
While scrolling through his stats, Haruka finds two unexpected skills. Because he was such a massive loner back on Earth, he physically cannot form a party in this world—even if he wants to. But in exchange, his second skill lets him force monsters to serve him since making actual friends is off the table.
Haruka sighs. So much for forming a harem. But hey… it is what it is.
Haruka is more concerned with the fact that he doesn’t see any of his classmates nearby. That’s a little weird, considering this is supposed to be the starting location. Then again, he never cared about them before, so why would he start now?
Right now, his top priority is gathering supplies so he can live a comfortable life out in the woods. Easier said than done, though—he can barely see anything with all these trees in the way. At this rate, it won’t be long before he accidentally stumbles into a monster, and if that happens, well… let’s just say he’d rather not die before he even gets to enjoy his new isekai life.
Then, it hits him—he has a Contact Lens skill! He quickly puts on the lenses, and suddenly, all kinds of information about his surroundings pop up in front of him. Turns out, these lenses come with a built-in Appraisal skill, allowing him to navigate the forest with ease. Using it, he spots some edible mushrooms that won’t kill him (a rare find in fantasy worlds). He picks as many as he can, stuffing them into his Villager Bag, which—thankfully—lets him carry an unlimited amount of junk.
Next, he heads to a nearby river, using his bag to scoop up some drinking water. Once he’s done, something catches his eye deeper in the forest. Curious, he wanders over and discovers a cave. It looks interesting, and against all common sense, he decides to check it out. Just in case there’s something waiting to eat him inside, he says a quick prayer before stepping in.
To his relief, the cave is monster-free and surprisingly spacious. It could actually make for a solid base. Deciding to claim it, he pulls out a tent and a magic lantern from his bag, setting up camp. Then, using Temperature Control Magic, he lights a small fire to stay warm for the night. Coincidentally, using his magic even once unlocks a new fire-based skill, and his paranoia about monsters rewards him with several detection skills as well. Things are looking up!
There’s just one problem—his only attack skill is a stick. He’s going to have to figure out a better way to defend himself.
The next morning, Haruka jolts awake, half-expecting to find a monster breathing down his neck. Nervously, he peeks outside his tent. To his relief, nothing attacked him overnight. Apparently, his so-called “useless” skill items actually have anti-monster properties. Who knew?
But just because he’s safe from harm doesn’t mean he’s safe from hunger. So, he pulls out a frying pan and starts cooking the mushrooms he gathered. If you’re wondering where he got a frying pan—it was chilling in his Villager Bag, along with a full set of kitchen knives and even some beef jerky. At this point, Haruka is convinced that whoever stocked this bag before him was either a genius or a hoarder.
With his stomach full, it’s time to figure out what’s next. His cave will work as a base for now, but he still needs a reliable food source and better defenses against monsters. Fortunately, with his contact lenses, food isn’t a problem—he finds more mushrooms and herbs almost immediately. But the monster situation? That’s a different story.
Just then, his detection skill kicks in. Something’s happening nearby.
Haruka decides to investigate, but as soon as he arrives, he regrets it. The noise was caused by goblins. Not one, but two. And they both have strength stats higher than his own.
Panic sets in. Can I even take them down? Should I just run?
But deep down, he knows the truth—if he’s going to live in this forest, he’ll have to fight goblins eventually. Might as well get it over with now while he has the element of surprise.
The only problem? He’s still armed with nothing but a stick. Desperate, he tries wrapping the stick in magic to see if it helps. To his surprise, it works!
Without wasting another second, he lunges out of the bushes and smacks one of the goblins on the head. The poor creature is left dazed and confused, but Haruka doesn’t give it time to recover—he immediately beats the absolute daylights out of it until it finally drops dead.
One down. One to go.
The second goblin charges at him, but Haruka manages to dodge just in time. Now that he’s gotten a feel for the fight, he realizes something: the goblins’ attacks are shockingly predictable. With newfound confidence, he effortlessly evades its swings and smacks it around like he’s playing whack-a-mole. Finally, he finishes it off with a wave of magic.
And just like that, Haruka wins his first fight against goblins.
Haruka decides he’s done enough for the day and heads back to his cave for some much-needed rest. Once there, he roasts some mushrooms for dinner (again) and inspects the club he looted from the goblin’s corpse. While it boasts decent damage, it’s heavy and has a short range—definitely not his style. For now, he’ll stick to his trusty stick.
Curious about his progress, he checks his stats and is surprised to find that he leveled up from the fight. Not only that, but all his existing stats doubled as a result. Now that’s the kind of reward he can get behind.
After his usual breakfast of roasted mushrooms (again…), Haruka starts to get sick of eating the same thing every day. He needs meat. The problem? He doesn’t know how to hunt yet. And before he even thinks about hunting, he needs to learn how to enhance his own abilities first.
The first skill he wants to test is Magic Fusion, which he recently acquired. A quick breakdown: it coats his entire body in magic, boosting his physical and magical defenses while also enhancing his strength. In theory, this should make him way more efficient in battle.
Additionally, his Appraisal Skill has leveled up to Level 2! Excited, he checks to see what’s changed—only to find that every description now has a question mark next to it. Haruka, apparently unfamiliar with video games, spends a full minute trying to figure out what the mysterious question mark means before eventually giving up altogether.
Deciding to focus on magic training instead, he heads outside. On his way out, he spots something on the ground. His heart races—could it be meat?!
Nope. Another mushroom.
For a brief, delusional moment, Haruka had hoped that meat just grew on trees in this world. Unfortunately, reality slaps him in the face, and he realizes that he’s not going to find any steak lying around in the dirt. Sigh.
With that dream shattered, he gets back to training. Activating Mana Infusion, he takes a step forward—only to catapult several meters ahead. The physical boost makes his body feel ridiculously light, and with minimal effort, he zips around the forest like some kind of teleporting ninja. On top of that, his dexterity is significantly improved, letting him move and strike with precision.
Now brimming with confidence, Haruka challenges two random goblins. Unlike yesterday, he one-shots them with ease. Feeling invincible, he starts thinking, Maybe I can handle even more goblins.
Then, he spots a group of three.
…Yeah, never mind.
Slowly, carefully, he backs away before he gets jumped. He decides he’s worked hard enough for today and retreats to his cave, where he resumes tinkering with his magic. His nighttime experiments eventually lead to unexpected results—he discovers that he can now create coffee tables. Not exactly the ultimate weapon, but hey, progress is progress.
By sticking to this daily routine—training in the day, experimenting with magic at night—Haruka eventually reaches the point where he can one-shot a goblin and craft a proper table. Feeling inspired, he uses his new magic crafting skills to build a gate for his cave. Now, he can go out at night without worrying about unwanted guests.
With his defenses in place, he decides it’s time to finally get some meat. His first target? A rabbit.
After chasing it down, he finally catches up and prepares to cook his first real meal in forever. But just as he’s about to start, he notices something nearby. At first, he assumes it’s a goblin, but upon closer inspection, it turns out to be something even worse…
His classmates.
Haruka’s blood runs cold. The delinquents are here. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, so are the popular girls, the gym bros, and the nerds. He doesn’t mind the nerds too much—he used to hang out with them back in school—but still, he’d rather not deal with any of them right now.
Then, he spots the student council group… and the class rep.
Now, while Haruka hates socializing, he has to admit—the class rep was always nice to him. In fact, she might be the only person in class who ever treated him kindly. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to at least say hello?
For a brief moment, he considers stepping forward.
Then, reality hits him.
If he reveals himself now, he’ll be dragged into their mess. They’ll want to talk, make plans, stick together. And if that happens, his peaceful, solitary life is over. Right now, he has everything he ever wanted—no idle chatter, no taxes, no one to bother him.
He’s not about to ruin all that just because of some nostalgic sentiment.
And so, Haruka makes his decision:
He will ignore his classmates and conquer this world alone.
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