Sakamoto Days Anime Recap Episode 9 | Summary In English

Kashima tells Sakamoto to fight courageously instead of dodging his attacks. He urges Sakamoto to give in, believing he can easily overpower him. In response, Sakamoto asserts that this place is important to his friends, so he refuses to back down. Kashima, unfazed, reminds Sakamoto that he doesn’t care about his friends and insists that his plan will revolutionize the lab.

Sakamoto counters, saying Kashima should care about those around him, or he won’t get far. This angers Kashima, who sarcastically asks if Sakamoto considers himself wise, adding that his friends are likely already dead. He then activates a gun embedded in his throat, but Sakamoto swiftly jams a pen into its barrel, rendering it useless. He assures Kashima that his friends are not as weak as he assumes. Humiliated, Kashima reveals that the second thing he hates most—after Christmas—is people talking back to him. Sakamoto coolly responds that what he hates most is people who won’t stop talking.

Meanwhile, inside the lab, an old man, Lu, and a hostage hide behind a wall, waiting for guards to pass. They realize the guards now know they are missing from their expected location. Just as the hostage attempts to run, Lu stops him, determined to escape safely and make amends with Shin.

Elsewhere, Shin is grateful that Heisuke arrived just in time, though Heisuke isn’t sure if it’s a compliment or sarcasm. An enemy hides behind a wall, trying to figure out where the sniper, Heisuke, came from. He believes he can take Heisuke down if he gets close enough—unaware that Heisuke is a master marksman. Sensing his opponent’s location, Heisuke fires a sniper shot. The bullet ricochets off a steel wall and grazes Saba’s cheek. Saba then turns invisible and flees. Shin immediately gives chase, while Heisuke remains unfazed—he doesn’t need to see Saba; he can hear him.

Heisuke continues using ricochet shots, but Saba dodges them all. Suddenly, Heisuke stops hearing footsteps, and Shin loses track of Saba. A moment later, Shin spots Saba one floor above Heisuke and warns him, but it’s too late. Heisuke initially assumes Saba will be an easy target while stationary, but he’s wrong. Saba charges at him, throws a rod, and brutally injures him. Standing over Heisuke, Saba clarifies that he doesn’t have an invisibility superpower—his suit grants the ability, turning anything he holds invisible as well.

Despite his injuries, Heisuke quickly formulates a plan. He fires another shot, ricocheting it off a wall and injuring Saba’s shoulder. Saba dramatically complains, telling Heisuke he nearly took his arm off. Shin and Heisuke initially believe him, but Shin senses danger. Before Heisuke can react, Saba regenerates his arm, grabs a knife, and stabs Heisuke, taking him down.

Mocking Heisuke, Saba questions why he would fight for his friends when he gains nothing from it. He advises Heisuke that he should have just stayed home and begins walking away. However, Heisuke, still conscious, explains that his friends made him believe in his abilities as a top-tier sniper, and he’s determined to prove them right. Hearing this, Saba turns back, ready to finish him off.

Summoning all his strength, Heisuke fires one last shot and warns Shin to take over the fight. At first, it seems the bullet missed, and even Saba thinks so—until the water alarm above him shatters. Water pours over Saba, revealing his position and rendering his invisibility useless. Seizing the opportunity, Shin rushes in and knocks Saba out with a single kick.

After the battle, Heisuke thanks Shin for understanding his plan, but Shin is frustrated—deciphering Heisuke’s thoughts is nearly impossible. Meanwhile, in the underground subway station, Kashima and Sakamoto continue their fight. Kashima reveals that he has rigged the place with a self-destruct device, and in 20 minutes, the entire building will collapse with everyone inside. However, this news doesn’t faze Sakamoto at all—he thinks 20 minutes is too long and says he only needs five minutes to handle Kashima.

Kashima mocks Sakamoto’s physique, criticizing the weight he has gained. He boasts about being in peak physical condition and even asks if Sakamoto thinks he is the pinnacle of a human being. He then reveals that 70% of his body is modified with heavy weaponry—an odd concept if one really thinks about it. Confident in his superiority, Kashima believes Sakamoto stands no chance.

But Sakamoto smirks and reveals his own “weapons.” The confidence on Kashima’s face fades when he sees Sakamoto pull out… a mechanical pencil and a half-priced flyer. Kashima, now amused, charges at him with full force. However, Sakamoto swiftly dodges and flicks a piece of lead from the mechanical pencil—taking out Kashima’s left eye! Before Kashima can react, Sakamoto throws something at him, blinding him completely. He then knocks Kashima into a wall, remarking that only a third-rate assassin relies entirely on their weapons.

Furious, Kashima retorts that if that’s the case, Sakamoto must be even lower-ranked since he still hasn’t defeated him. Sakamoto then asks, “Are you immortal?” Kashima doesn’t know the answer himself—all he knows is that he cannot be defeated. A flashback shows his master placing a cross over his mouth, instructing him to follow orders no matter what. Kashima states that he is willing to do anything for his master.

Just then, a subway train approaches. Kashima quickly fires a grappling hook, attaching it to the train while tying Sakamoto to it before jumping on top. But Sakamoto remains unbothered as the train drags him along the tracks. When he’s had enough, Sakamoto casually stands up, uses the flyer to cut the rope, and yanks Kashima off the train—sending him crashing into a wall.

On the other side, another subway train is coming. The conductor, bored with his routine, hopes something interesting happens today. His wish is granted when two full-grown men come crashing through the wall and land inside his train!

Kashima takes a moment to catch his breath, finally acknowledging Sakamoto’s skill. He realizes that Sakamoto isn’t just strong—he’s using his surroundings to his advantage. Now, he understands why his master values Sakamoto so highly. However, he suddenly loses sight of him, wondering if Sakamoto has disappeared. In reality, Sakamoto is standing right beside him, silently waiting for him to finish his thoughts. Once Kashima is done thinking, Sakamoto brutally kicks him, making him realize just how fast he truly is.

Sakamoto warns Kashima that since he claims to be immortal, he won’t be holding back anymore. Suddenly, Kashima experiences a flashback. He recalls a time when he was helpless in the middle of a crowd. He had once eliminated people who were tormenting a stray cat. His only wish is to eradicate injustice in the world. He even sees himself as a vigilante, but society doesn’t understand him—or so he believes.

Then, the people in his flashback start collapsing one by one, and a mysterious man slowly walks past them. His eyes radiate an overwhelming aura as he approaches Kashima. The man tells him that he understands his pain and agrees that the world needs to be fixed. However, to achieve that, one must be willing to commit necessary evil. Kashima, overwhelmed with emotions, pours out his frustration, but the man calmly assures him, “I accept you completely.”

Back in the present, Kashima tells Sakamoto that he must work hard to fulfill his master’s dream. But before the fight continues, the train comes to a stop. An elderly woman walks in, looking for a seat. Without hesitation, Sakamoto grabs Kashima and throws him off the bench, making way for the old lady.

As the train resumes its journey, Sakamoto drags Kashima into a private room. Then, he proceeds to give him a proper beating. Completely helpless, Kashima struggles to keep up—Sakamoto is just too fast.

As the train reaches the next stop, Sakamoto continues dragging Kashima all over the train. Frustrated, Kashima finally decides he’s had enough—he activates a gun from his stomach and fires at Sakamoto, blasting him onto another train. Thinking he has finally gotten rid of Sakamoto, Kashima starts rambling to himself, planning to change into proper attire before meeting his master.

However, Sakamoto reappears beside him, once again silently waiting for him to finish his thoughts. The two engage in combat again, but Kashima grows more frustrated—how is it possible that someone like Sakamoto, who has no grand goals, keeps beating him? Sakamoto, on the other hand, has no idea what Kashima is talking about. The only thing he’s sure of is he doesn’t want Kashima anywhere near his family.

Summoning all his strength, Sakamoto lands a devastating punch, launching Kashima out of the train and onto the platform. With Kashima finally dealt with, Sakamoto receives a call from Shin. He informs Shin that he has taken down their leader and asks about Lu. Shin responds that he’s on his way and warns that the enemies have triggered a self-destruct sequence in the building. Since Sakamoto is already aware, he urges Shin to hurry—only 15 minutes remain.

Meanwhile, Lu and the others are trying to escape, but she finds herself in danger as rubble falls towards her. At the last moment, Shin arrives just in time, pushing her to safety. However, the way they land creates an awkward situation, and they quickly separate as soon as Heisuke arrives, hoping to avoid any misunderstandings. Suddenly, Lu bursts into tears, apologizing to Shin for her harsh words earlier.

Shin, however, is getting irritated as she keeps snorting and crying all over him. After she calms down, he also apologizes for his earlier behavior. Soon, an old man arrives, and Shin immediately recognizes him, showing familiarity. After a brief reunion, Shin asks the old man if he has a map of the building so they can evacuate the survivors. Although the old man doesn’t have a physical map, he has memorized the entire layout and begins drawing it on the floor.

Now, the real challenge begins—finding a way to get everyone out safely. Shin activates his ability, listening to the voices of people trapped inside, their cries for help. After a few moments, he pinpoints the survivors’ location and marks it on the map. He quickly assigns Lu and Heisuke to handle the people on that floor while he and the old man continue searching for more survivors.

Along the way, the old man watches Shin in action, genuinely happy to see him using his abilities effectively. Shin, however, credits the old man and his research for helping him reach this point.

Meanwhile, in the Security Room…

Shishiba is looking for a new target to eliminate, while Osaragi has been assigned to slice through falling debris. As Shishiba scans the security footage, he spots Slur, but his face remains unclear due to blurry footage. However, Shishiba doesn’t need more proof—without hesitation, he smashes the monitor, declaring that messing with The Order is equivalent to signing a death warrant.

Back to Shin…

Shin and the old man come across two enemies standing in the hallway. Shin instructs the old man to handle the one on the right while he takes on the other. However, as Shin approaches, he senses something terrifying.

He sees a figure ahead but quickly realizes—this is no ordinary man.

The overwhelming bloodlust paralyzes him.

The figure walking towards him is none other than Kashima’s master.

Frozen in fear, Shin is unable to move even an inch. As the man passes by, he simply says, “Give my regards to Sakamoto.” With that, he vanishes, leaving Shin shaken.

Escape & Aftermath

Shin finally makes it out of the lab, where the scientists reassure him that the lab’s destruction is insignificant. They reveal that all their research is stored in their minds. Soon after, the old man approaches Sakamoto and his team, expressing his gratitude for what they’ve done for Shin. He hopes they will continue to take care of him. Lu confidently assures him that Shin’s safety is not something to worry about.

Later, the team gathers at Sakamoto’s house for dinner. As they enjoy their meal, Lu and Shin get into their usual bickering. However, the constant arguing becomes too much for Sakamoto.

Shin, using his ability, suddenly senses an intense bloodlust coming from Sakamoto.

And that’s when he knows—he should probably shut up.

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